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Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Genetically Modified Organism Essay Example
Genetically Modified Organism Essay Example Genetically Modified Organism Paper Genetically Modified Organism Paper Essay Topic: Call of the Wild Genetically Modified Organisms Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are taking the aspects of genes that people like the most and infusing them into another gene. These GMOs are used to make plants live through pesticides and herbicides, drought, and Just about anything else that gets thrown at them. The problem with doing this is it not only makes the plants resistant to the chemicals but it also develops super weeds that can take on far more chemicals than the original ones. Now there is far more residue on peoples food and because GMOs are not labeled, people have no idea what they are eating. Not knowing what is being injected can cause some serious health problems relating to the immune system triggering an allergic reaction. In order to free a person from the everyday worries of ingesting these GMOs into their body with or without their knowledge, genetically modified organisms should be banned. When it comes to GMOs our knowledge is minimal. Until we can learn more about them they should be banned. The splicing of genes is how genetically modified organisms are made. Referred to as genetically engineering (GE), DNA from one species is injected into another species to create what nature cannot. These plants, animals, bacteria, and viral genes are relatively new to us. In the 1990s, a California company, Calegne, came out with the first GE tomato, Flavor Savr (Introduction). This tomato was created so that it wouldnt get soft when it ripens. This made it easier to pack and ship the tomatoes. By 1998, 25% of corn and 38% of soybeans were genetically modified (Maynard). Genetically engineered soy and corn are found in 60% of processed food (Maynard). : Since the beginning of the development of a pesticide called Roundup it has raised many concerns. Roundup and other similar herbicides and pesticides are used to kill eeds and pests without killing the plants. The plants have been modified to with stand these chemicals. The increase of the amount used increases the residue on our food. It has also caused the development of pesticide resistant super weeds because of the increase. In 2010, it was reported that almost 366 million acres of genetically modified crops were planted throughout 29 different countries (Introduction). While the United States is busy being the leading country in GM crops, Europe is working towards a Europe-wide ban on all GM crops (Introduction). Again, these genetically modified organisms are new to us. We need to ban them before the possible long term effects take a toll on our people and animals. Genetically modified organisms have a short history, which serves as an issue for long term studies. Since GMOs have only been out since the 1990s, they remain relatively new to us. There have been studies conducted on animals, but as of 2011 there was only human study published. It concluded that the genetic material that was injected in to GM soy transforms into bacteria that lives inside our intestines (Genetically). We may even have these continuing to grow inside of us after we stop eating GM products. The studies on humans Just simply are not there to evaluate. Animals, on the other hand, have had many short term studies done on them. One study Touna tnat (5M soy affected tne ovaries, uterus, or testlcles In rodents (Genetically). Another said that the kidney, thymus, spleen, gut, brain and the immune systems in rats had changes after eating GM potatoes (Verzola). One was done that resulted in the deaths of most of the baby rats after a mother rat fed on GM soy (Genetically). A study on hamsters again proved to be something wrong with their reproduction. After about three generations of GMO fed hamsters, they could o longer have babies and if they did they usually died (Genetically). Some of the hamsters were reported as having hair growing inside their mouths (Genetically). These are all examples of some of the short term studies done. If there were long term studies conducted then we would be more aware of the dangers of genetically modified organisms. Long term and short term studies do not make a difference when it comes to the possible allergic reactions that these genetically modified organisms can trigger. In the United Kingdom soy allergic reactions have increased by 50% (Genetically). A skin prick test was done with GM soy and wild soy. The results were people reacted to the GM soy but not the wild soy (Genetically). This supports that GMOs have higher level of irritants in them to cause these reactions. Lack of labeling almost caused a huge problem with a company in Brazil. Soybeans from Brazil were found with a type of nut gene in them (Maynard). The company that purchased the soybeans tested it to see what gene types were injected in it. Luckily they discovered the nut gene before the soybeans were distributed. This type of modification to the enes could have caused many problems with people allergic to nuts. The lack of labeling and the amount of reactions go hand in hand. If these companies were to label their products then people will either know not to purchase it or if they do and have a reaction then they know where to trace the source of the GMO. Labeling must also be done because the United States has six major GMO crops grown in the U. S: soy, corn, canola, sugar beets and alfalfa (Genetically). With these genetically modified crops our processed food is made. With the corn and soy alone, 60% of are processed foods are produced. Between 1996 and 2008 the percentage of adoption of corn, cotton, and soybean genetically modified crops have increased from between 0-20% to 60-90% (Rapid). This growth in the amount of GM crops out there has made it difficult to not eat GMOs. Many sources out there have all said that if a person wishes to not eat genetically modified food then organic is the way to go. We already know that some GMOs can contaminate other crops so even organic farmers are in danger of them no longer being the product they originally expected. If these were banned then we wouldnt have to worry about allergic reactions or the ontamination of our other crops. When genes were first beginning to be spliced, a company started making plants which had the ability to not be affected by large amounts of pesticides/herbicides. The large amounts of pesticides/herbicides caused the plants to become resistant and in turn grown into super weeds. The development of these super weeds caused farmers to spray larger amounts of these pesticides/herbicides onto their crops. The resistances dont stop at super weeds. If the antibiotic gene injected crops spread then they too can develop a resistance for antibiotics (Genetically). People who ngest these specific genes could also develop a resistance to antibiotics. This can prove to De extremely dangerous IT tne person Is to Tall serlously Ill ana already nave an antibiotic resisted system. The British Medical Association wanted to ban all antibiotic genes in GM food so that we can avoid developing an antibiotic resistance in our immune systems (Verzola). When it comes to our health and antibiotics when our health is weak, we should be doing everything to avoid developing antibiotic resistant systems. This is our health we are discussing. We have been growing crops since the beginning of time. There is no reason to try to change the ways we have been doing it when it has proven effective. If we stop allowing them to have genetically modified crops then the threat of antibiotic resistant immune systems ceases. People who are for genetically modified food argue that these foods can save the world. To have crops that are able to survive during a drought can save some struggling countries. Some people say that starvation is much worse than anything the GMOs cause (African). If the productivity of crops is increased then countries will be able to feed the fast growing populations. Even if the rich were to give other ountries free food, the population will still suffer. Poor countries depend on agriculture for their income, so increasing productivity via biotechnology can impact the outcome of the crops and their wallets (Economist). The FDA said that GM foods are the same as non-GM foods so they do not need to be labeled. These foods, although, are not the same. One can cause many problems while the other is all natural and doesnt have any effects. They also say that the things like cancer and long-term damage to the immune system cant be directly connected to the use of GMOs (African). Long-term are the key words in their own argument, no long term tudies have been conducted which basically makes us blind to the possible long- term effects. There is a very strong chance that if the studies were done there could be a link found between cancer, weak immune systems, and GMOs. Although some people argue that genetically modified organisms are going to save the world, we simply dont know that much about their effects. The lack of knowledge of what we are really putting into our bodies can end up causing more problems than we think. GMOs should be completely banned because of the possibilities they have. The allergic reactions can at least be lowered by labeling the products that do contain GMOs. Super weeds could mean chaos when it comes to this new development. We dont know what these genetically modified organisms can do to our plants, let alone humans. People dont want to put food in their bodies when they have no idea what was put in the food to begin with. Maybe after twenty years of studying the long-term effects of GMOs my mind could change on this subject, but as of right now too much information is still missing. Even if people do believe that genetically modified crops can help feed the world it has yet to be proven. The effects of GM crops in the long run can prove to be far worse than hunger in the world. No one really knows what is going to be the result in the future, but I dont like the results in the present as it is. The production of genetically modified organisms needs to be stopped. We are causing more harm to what has been naturally practiced since the beginning of time. We have always learned how to adapt to our environment when it comes to agriculture and biotechnology was never involved until recently. Stop it before it takes over the world as we once knew it to be: all natural and safe to consume. African American Environmentalist Association. Genetically Modified Foods Should Be Produced to Feed the World. Global Resources. Ed. David M. Haugen. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2008. Opposing Viewpoints. Rpt. from Genetically Modified Foods. 2005. Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 21 Oct. 2013. Economist, The. Genetically Engineered Foods Should Be Produced. Global Resources. Ed. Helen Cothran. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 2004. Opposing Viewpoints. Rpt. from Feeding Five Billion: New Agricultural Techniques Can Keep Hunger at Bay. The Economist (10 Nov. 2001). Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 6 Nov. 2013. Genetically Modified Foods Could Pose Numerous Health Risks. Genetic Engineering. Ed. Noel Merino. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2013. Opposing Viewpoints. Rpt. from Doctors Health Warning: Avoid Genetically Modified Foods. Vol. 1 . 2011. Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 21 Oct. 2013. Introduction to Genetically Engineered Food: At Issue. Genetically Engineered Foods. Ed. Debra A. Miller. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2012. At Issue. Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 22 Oct. 2013 Rapid growth in adoption of genetically engineered crops, 1996-2008. Genetics and Genetic Engineering. Barbara Wexler. 2009 ed. Detroit: Gale, 2010. Information Plus Reference Series. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 7 Nov. 2013. Maynard, Cindy. Genetically Engineered Foods: An Overview. Genetically Engineered Foods. Ed. Nancy Harris. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 2003. At Issue. Rpt. from Biotech at the Table. Current Health 2 27 (Nov. 2000): 22. Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 21 Oct. 2013. Verzola, Roberto. Genetically Engineered Foods Have Health Risks. Genetically Engineered Foods. Ed. Nancy Harris. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 2003. At Issue. Rpt. from The 1999 GE Food Debates: The Turning Point. Synthesis/Regeneration (Winter 2000): 24. Opposing Viewpoints In Context. web. 21 oct. 2013.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Conservative Views on Immigration Reform
Conservative Views on Immigration Reform In 2006, liberal documentarian Morgan Spurlock devoted a segment of his show 30 Days Latest Developments His resolve may seem surprising, considering how close he became with the Gonzalez family, but his position was vilified in 2009 as a rash of kidnappings occurred in Arizona as a direct result of illegal immigration. Members of Mexican drug cartels, in the US illegally, would kidnap American citizens for ransom, and send the money across the border, where its value was inflated. While the kidnap victims were often the relative of a drug-trafficker, they were just as often the relative of an immigrant smuggler. Phoenix became the kidnap capitol of the US in 2009, with more incidents than any city in the world except for Mexico City.Immigrant smuggling has become more popular in US states bordering Mexico because a load of 30 immigrants can net the smuggler anywhere from $45,000 to $75,000.Very often, conservatives favoring immigration reform will couch the issue in terms of national security. Illegal immigration goes well beyond the US/Mexico border, and kidnapping isnt the only prob lem. In the aftermath of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, it was revealed that all 19 hijackers entered the US with valid documents. Some, however, had committed fraud to obtain them. The fraud was easily perpetrated thanks to glaring and easy-to-fix loopholes in the US visa system. Background The issue of illegal immigration is very different from the issue of immigration itself. While most conservatives have no problem with immigrants, there are conflicting opinions about illegal aliens. Conservative opinions are as complex as the issue itself.So-called law and order conservatives favor tightening the US border and deporting illegal aliens back to their countries of origin wherever they may be. Reflecting the growing dependency on illegal labor in the US, so-called business interest conservatives favor easing immigration restrictions and acknowledging the economic importance of immigrant workers. Americans willing to work hard should be able to make a decent living. President Barack Obama to One of the major contributing factors to illegal immigration is the fact that the employment rate in Mexico, which has never been especially sturdy, is reaching alarming lows. Solutions Resolving illegal immigration isnt easy.For example, most people, even immigration reform advocates, would agree that denying anyone emergency medical care is morally wrong. Yet, they would also agree that access to American medical care shouldnt be a perk for illegal immigrants and yet it is. Illegal laborers injured during the course of a menial job are treated by topnotch American physicians.Separating families is also morally wrong, yet when two illegal aliens have a child in America, the child becomes a US citizen, which means deporting the parents creates an American orphan. Heres an example of illegal aliens accessing US medical facilities, and also creating an avenue to permanent US residency without the necessity of becoming an American citizen.Americans consider things like medical care and family unity basic human rights, but for many immigrants who arent afforded the same rights in their countries of origin, these rights are often seen as rewards for making it to America . While rewarding people who come to America illegally only encourages more people to come illegally, the solution is not to deny them their basic human rights.If the giant moat we call the Atlantic Ocean isnt enough to deter illegal immigration, building bigger and stronger fences at the US/Mexico border wont be either. As conservative humorist PJ ORourke observed, Fence the border and give a huge boost to the Mexican ladder industry.About the only viable solution to the problem of illegal immigration is removing the incentive to emigrate to America. If people have no reason to leave home, they wont. Poverty, persecution and opportunity are the main reasons people flee their country of origin. Better foreign aid and a more engaged foreign policy may be the only options to stem the tide of illegal immigration. The Trouble With Amnesty From USAmnesty.org: An amnesty for illegal aliens forgives their acts of illegal immigration and implicitly forgives other related illegal acts such as driving and working with false documents. The result of an amnesty is that large numbers of foreigners who illegally gained entry into the United States are rewarded with legal status (Green Card) for breaking immigration laws. Where It Stands Liberals claim that resident illegals do pay taxes, albeit indirectly. When they pay rent, their landlord uses that money to pay property taxes. When they buy groceries, clothing or other household items, they pay sales tax. This, the liberals say, supports the economy.What they do not realize, however, is how much illegal immigration costs as a result of the taxes illegal immigrants do not pay.For example, when children are brought into the country illegally and use the American educational system, their parents are not paying the local municipal taxes that provide for their childrens education. The problems are more than financial, however. As weve shown, American citizens in the employment sector are denied opportunities every day thanks to illegal immigration. Opportunities are also blocked in the academic community, as well. A college mandated to meet a racial quota may reject an American citizen or a legal immigrant in favor of an illegal immigrant with the appropriate cultural background. Despite the urgent need to pass comprehensive immigration reform, President Barack Obama recently announced his administration will do nothing to address the problem this year. Somehow Obama believes the trouble with the economy and the trouble with immigration are mutually exclusive.Dont expect to see much from the Obama administration on immigration reform at all, unless it is to ease the way for illegals. There are rumors that Obama will make some sort of policy statement regarding illegal immigration in May.Its important to remember that in 2006, Obamas support for a national amnesty movement was apparent as he marched down the streets of Chicago arm-in-arm with illegal immigrants. Then, last year, he promised Latinos that he would develop a plan to make legal status possible for an estimated 12 million illegal immigrants. If the rumors are true, conservatives should brace themselves for a proposal from the administration along these lines.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
AC3908 international finance environment Coursework
AC3908 international finance environment - Coursework Example The EVA methodology was implemented in order to improve resource allocation across Asahi Glassââ¬â¢s number of business around the world as well as to evaluate the managerial performance of top level executives (Mir and Seboui, 2008; Brown and Caylor, 2005). The case study explores the way the company calculated EVA and the weighted average cost of capital for the different business segments based in different countries (Desai, 2006). In this report we will analyze the impact of the bank based system on the company, the reforms associated with corporate governance, the barriers faced by the CEO while bringing about the reforms and lastly the implementation of the EVA methodology. Corporate governance framework constitutes of a bunch of mechanisms that are both market and institutional based which encourages the controllers of an organization to make decisions that are aimed towards maximizing the value of the shareholders. These mechanisms are meant to tackle agency problems. Normally, two basic models are utilized; control model that focuses on control from internal boards and market control that usually constitutes of independent boards, scattered ownership and policies that promotes transparency. It is however tough to determine the model that is the most appropriate one (Talamo, 2011; Handley-Schachler, Juleff and Paton, 2007; Thomsen, 2004). Corporate governance comprise of a variety of internal as well as external factors in companies such as Asahi glass. First of all, the ownership concentration in companies based in Asia is much higher than in companies based in the Western countries. This is precisely because majority of the big organizations in Asia are either family enterprises or state-owned. This results in the creation of an unequal and unfair selection system. This type of governance framework existing in organizations might have
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Automatic Speech Recognition Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Automatic Speech Recognition - Research Paper Example The creation of ASR system had an aim to provide people with a machine that can translate each word spoken by them in real time. The system still has enough to incorporate and advance more. There still is a gap between expectations from ASR systems and their performance. The ASR systems are meant to recognize the speech of human beings without being interrupted from the speakerââ¬â¢s accent, choice of words, noise or other features. Commercially available ASR systems need a lesser amount of speaker training and have the capability to recognize the continuous speech vocabulary with higher efficiency along with a broader range of vocabularies being captured. Commercial companies are often found to claim that ASR systems provide 98 to 99 percent accuracy provided that they are working under optimal conditions. Optimal conditions are when the users have speech habits which are in line with the training data, when the users have proper speaker adaptation and when the process is carried out in a noise-free environment. It can be explained from this information that recognition rates for heavily accented people may be lower than others. Although there still is a room for improvement in Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) systems, there are a number of application areas which benefit from its use. Telecommunications is one of the major application areas as speech recognition software acts as an interface that directly transfers data through a communication system into the information system. Today, inquiry systems, dialing assistance and telephony interpretations are some of the examples where ASR systems are used. Office automation is another area that benefits from the use of ASR. The crucial application areas of ASR include ASR in CAD applications and providing input using direct command in computers. Medical applications also make use of this technology for
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Cell Phone Use While Driving Essay Example for Free
Cell Phone Use While Driving Essay Cell phone use while driving has caused unnecessary injuries and deaths throughout history. Those injuries and deaths prove the ignorance of the victims and set an example for others. Many people have lost their loved ones in cell phone related accidents but with every experience comes a lesson, which in this case is that cell phone use while driving should not be allowed. The road would be a safer place to drive if the use of cell phone while driving is prohibited. The risk of accidents increases significantly when a cell phone is being used while driving. A study by the Harvard Center for Risk Analysis estimated that six percent of vehicle crashes causes about 2,600 deaths and 330,000 injuries a year, which can be linked to one or more of the drivers involved using a cell phone (ââ¬Å"Cell Phone Use While Driving a Big Cause of Accidentsâ⬠). According to this study, the use of cell phones while driving is causing many unnecessary deaths and injuries. To treat those irresponsible drivers, all the citizens of the United States pay in the form of taxes. The forbiddance of cell phone use while driving will not only make the United States to be a safer nation, but it will also make it a happier nation. Many people are unaware of the dangers and effects of cell phone use while driving. To most people, drunk driving is a very serious crime, but using a cell phone while driving is a trivial matter. However, a research by the University of Utah proves that drivers drunk at the .08 percent blood-alcohol level drive slower than drivers using a cell phone. Driving with a cell phone is more distracting because drivers tend to concentrate less on the road, and more on the conversation, which leads to many accidents. If one is caught driving drunk in Michigan, his or her license is suspended for several months and an additional fine ranging from $250-$10,000 has to be paid. If the crime of drunk driving has such punishments, then the use of cell phone while driving should also have severe punishments. To many people, it may seem that cell phone use while driving should not be outlawed because emergency calls need to be attended or made any time. However, people can pull over to the side and make or receive emergency calls. According to the Human Factors and Ergonomics society, cell phone distraction puts the driver at a four time great risk of a crash. It may take more effort to pull over, stop, and call, but doing so would decrease the number of accidents by a massive number. . Even using cell phones during school times can be a big problem. It canà distract a students studies, since he/she will be too busy texting and calling people; he/she wont be able to concentrate and will keep thinking about those text messages. If there is something bad then they will be depressed all day long. If parents need to talk to their children urgently they will be able to talk to them during school. Some students during classes are always tense because of someone/something so by calling or texting they can clear their tension and focus on studies. Cell phones will help them solve the problems outside the school so they can peacefully study. Schools should understand how important it is for students to study and this is only possible if they are not thinking about anything else. The rate of accidents for drivers using cell phones has increased alarmingly. The convenience that cell phones offer must be judged against the hazards that they pose. Therefore, the government should ban the use of cell phones while driving, which would not only decrease the number of traffic injuries and deaths, but will also make the road a safer place to drive. The use of cell phone while driving is a crime that should be outlawed and punished for severely. There are two dangers linked with driving and cell phone use, including text messaging. First, drivers should not take their eyes off the road while dialing. Secondly if the drivers start talking on the phone then they get so lost in others conversations that they have no clue what is going on in front of them which causes them to get in an accident. That is one reason why so many states and countries banned the use of cell phones while driving and even in schools so young teenage people know when they have to use the phone and when not to.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Police Moonlight Essay -- Ethical Issus, Conflict of Interest
A global problem Police moonlighting is not just a problem in the United States. Moonlighting is severally restricted or prohibited in Australia, England and Japan. It however is fairly common in one form or another in Canada and the USA (Bayley 1996). Under Russian law, police are permitted to engage in only very limited outside employment. Under the Law of the Militia, permitted occupations are limited to those connected to teaching, research and the arts. One study of officers in Russia found that 49% of the over two thousand surveyed stated that they engaged in some type of outside work in their off hours. Eighteen percent also reported engaging in other work during their on-duty hours. Nearly all officers were engaging in work that is prohibited by the Law of the Militia. Most were working in some form of private security while off-duty. Almost half were working in transportation services off-duty and approximately 30 percent were working in retail/wholesale. Slightly under half reported working as private security during the hours in which they were employed as police officers. Low wages were described as the primary reason for taking additional employment. There was an average 72 percent increase in officer's monthly income as a result of their additional employment (Wilson, et al. 2008). Slovenia forbids police officers from moonlighting in functions that overlap with those of police such as for private security companies or private detectives. Though illegal moonlighting was not observed by Sotlar and MeÃ
¡ko, they suspect that it is occurring as it does in other countries with similarly restrictive policies (Sotlar & MeÃ
¡ko 2009). Similarly in Brazil, Police moonlighting is prohibited by law, though it commonly occur... ...and public safety Moonlighting can prove to be a serious threat to officer safety. With fewer resources and increased fatigue, officers may be at greater risk for serious injury. Many officers are killed while moonlighting as private security (AIMS 1991). According to Brazil military statistics, the majority of military police killed in Brazil, were killed while moonlighting (Macaulay 2007). About nine percent of officers killed in the past decade in the USA were killed while off-duty. Though the report does not specify the officer's function beyond their status as off-duty, based upon the reported circumstance of the officer's death, thirty five cases could conceivable have occurred while moonlighting (FBI 2011). A search of the The Officer Down Memorial Page finds 61 deaths over the past few decades that occurred while the officer was moonlighting (ODMP 2011). Police Moonlight Essay -- Ethical Issus, Conflict of Interest A global problem Police moonlighting is not just a problem in the United States. Moonlighting is severally restricted or prohibited in Australia, England and Japan. It however is fairly common in one form or another in Canada and the USA (Bayley 1996). Under Russian law, police are permitted to engage in only very limited outside employment. Under the Law of the Militia, permitted occupations are limited to those connected to teaching, research and the arts. One study of officers in Russia found that 49% of the over two thousand surveyed stated that they engaged in some type of outside work in their off hours. Eighteen percent also reported engaging in other work during their on-duty hours. Nearly all officers were engaging in work that is prohibited by the Law of the Militia. Most were working in some form of private security while off-duty. Almost half were working in transportation services off-duty and approximately 30 percent were working in retail/wholesale. Slightly under half reported working as private security during the hours in which they were employed as police officers. Low wages were described as the primary reason for taking additional employment. There was an average 72 percent increase in officer's monthly income as a result of their additional employment (Wilson, et al. 2008). Slovenia forbids police officers from moonlighting in functions that overlap with those of police such as for private security companies or private detectives. Though illegal moonlighting was not observed by Sotlar and MeÃ
¡ko, they suspect that it is occurring as it does in other countries with similarly restrictive policies (Sotlar & MeÃ
¡ko 2009). Similarly in Brazil, Police moonlighting is prohibited by law, though it commonly occur... ...and public safety Moonlighting can prove to be a serious threat to officer safety. With fewer resources and increased fatigue, officers may be at greater risk for serious injury. Many officers are killed while moonlighting as private security (AIMS 1991). According to Brazil military statistics, the majority of military police killed in Brazil, were killed while moonlighting (Macaulay 2007). About nine percent of officers killed in the past decade in the USA were killed while off-duty. Though the report does not specify the officer's function beyond their status as off-duty, based upon the reported circumstance of the officer's death, thirty five cases could conceivable have occurred while moonlighting (FBI 2011). A search of the The Officer Down Memorial Page finds 61 deaths over the past few decades that occurred while the officer was moonlighting (ODMP 2011).
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
ââ¬ÅA Scherzo A Shy Persons Wishesââ¬Â Analysis Essay
What is the mood of ââ¬Å"A Scherzo A Shy Persons Wishes.â⬠How is the mood conveyed and what effect does it have on our understanding of the central message of the poem and the writerââ¬â¢s persona. How effective do you think the poem is? The mood in ââ¬Å"A Scherzo a Shy Persons Wishesâ⬠changes and varies through the poem. Firstly the title has ââ¬Å"scherzoâ⬠written which means briskly live music. This shows that the person is very lively but the poem doesnââ¬â¢t show it, ââ¬Å"on the sunny wall out of tip-toe reach.â⬠As well ââ¬Å"tip-toe reachâ⬠stands out because it shows it is close to going out. In the poem the word ââ¬Å"withâ⬠and ââ¬Å"whisperâ⬠is repeated through the poem which this shows alliteration. This gives a whisper feel through the poem which shows that itââ¬â¢s thinking quietly but title says he is lively. Plus there is internal alliteration. This makes the poem slow down and shows the person is anxious, ââ¬Å"With the nut in the shell, with the seed in the pod.â⬠The again shows that the poem has a lot internal alliteration. This poem has a flowing mood but lyrical at times. When its flowing itââ¬â¢s a calm mood like the person is describing the outdoors like it has never seen it, ââ¬Å"With the wasp in its inner most peach.â⬠The lyrical mood shows at times it is a lively showing it is lively which is why ââ¬Å"scherzoâ⬠is used for the title, ââ¬Å"In the woodbineââ¬â¢s horn with the drunken bee.â⬠All this shows that the person is very lively but in a trapped ready to run out singing and shouting. Now I will talk about the persona. The poem shows a lot that the person is trapped in an area and cant get out no matter how close it gets to the outdoors, ââ¬Å"out of tip-toe reach.â⬠As well the poem shoes the persons claustrophobic showing itââ¬â¢s in a small area which probably shows why it a shy person on the outside but lively in the inside. The title shows this in a clever way because it first says ââ¬Å"scherzoâ⬠showing it is a lively person, but then says ââ¬Å"A shy persons wishesâ⬠which then explains that itââ¬â¢s shy but wants to change to a lively person in the outdoors singing and dancing. A quote to show its shy says ââ¬Å"to be crouched with the beast in its torrid layerâ⬠shows itââ¬â¢s stuck in a dark hole but canââ¬â¢t gat out. With the person being stuck he/she is bored which is not what a shy person is like when heââ¬â¢s alone but he is. This shows he likes communicating and singing, ââ¬Å"quiet to lie, and dreamless to sleep.â⬠But then at times the person shows he is still a bit shy, ââ¬Å"With things that are timid, and shy, and free,â⬠the next line says ââ¬Å"Wishing to be,â⬠then this changes it all showing he is still shy. But at the end it says ââ¬Å"Anywhere, anywhere, out of this room!â⬠which ends it all saying the person wants to go out and not stay in its ââ¬Å"timid layer.â⬠All this shows a lively character with a bit of shyness left in him. The central message in the poem is shown clearly throughout the poem. The central message shows the felling of the person in a strong way. Firstly it talks about nature in a flowing way so it sounds like he/she is describing what it looks like outside. Throughout it continues to describe the outdoors. This gives a calm feeling to the person and shows what he wants to do when he goes out. As well this shows he thinks is lively. At line 26-29 he says he would be in any of the three examples he/she says and this is backed up by the last line which is ââ¬Å"Anywhere, anywhere, out of this room!â⬠shows that he wants to leave his shyness and become lively, and leave his dark hole behind.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Battered wives
To determine the amount and types of violence in U. S. homes, sociologists have interviewed nationally representative samples of U. S. couples (Straus, 1992). Although not all sociologists agree, Murray Straus concludes that husbands and wives are about equally likely to attack one another. When it comes to the effects of violence, however, gender equality certainly vanishes. As Straus points out, even though she may throw the coffeepot first, it is generally he who lands the last and most damaging blow.Consequently, many more wives than husbands seek medical attention because of marital violence. A good part of the reason, of course, is that most husbands are bigger and stronger than their wives, putting women at a disadvantage in this literal battle of the sexes. Violence against women is related to the sexist structure of society and to socialization. Growing up with norms that encourage aggression and the use of violence, many men feel it is their right to control women.When frus trated in a relationship or even by causes outside it, many men turn violently on their wives and lovers. The basic question is how to socialize males to handle frustration and disagreements without resorting to violence and this has not been answered yet. This paper will be discussing battered women and battered women syndrome in relationship to crime and deterrence. Battering of Women: The characteristics of assaulting a spouse or love suggest low deterrability. The behavior appears to be irrational, expressive, quite violent and likely to take place in private.It is often pointed out that the act historically has been culturally condoned and arguably continues so to some degree. Given a theoretical framework generally suggesting low deterrability, the outcome of the Minneapolis Domestic Violence experiment (Sherman & Berk, 1984) was quite surprising. The design of this important study provided for random assignment of three police responses to cases of misdemeanor domestic assaul t, the arrest of the offender, separation of the parties and some sort of advice, including mediation.Police officers responding to domestic violence calls were instructed to intervene as dictated by the color of the form appearing at the top of the report pad. Cases were then followed for six months to determine if the assaulterââ¬â¢s recidivated, as measured by additional reports to the police and periodic interviews with the victims. The lowest rate of repeat assaults, 13% was obtained when the offenders had been arrested, a middle level, 18. 2% followed advice or mediation, while the highest incidence of new assaults came after separation.The researchers concluded that ââ¬Å"swift imposition of a sanction of temporary incarceration may deter male offenders in domestic assault casesâ⬠¦In short; criminal justice sanctions seem to matter for this offense in this setting with this group of experienced offendersâ⬠(Sherman & Berk, 1984, p. 270). Special deterrence was th ought to be operating even for this theoretically unpromising type of crime. The Minneapolis study, in combination with feminist activism and civil suits seeking equal protection of the laws for battered women had an unprecedented impact on police policy.Arrest became the preferred policy for misdemeanor domestic assault cases in most large U. S. police departments and remains the norm. Arrests of men who had committed misdemeanor assaults against their partners moved from a rarity in 1984 when the study was reported to the typical response well before the close of the decade. Ironically the changes in law have also led to dramatic increases in arrests of women, and have created a sense of ambivalence among some feminist criminologists (Chesney-Lind, 2002).While the impact of the Minneapolis experiment, combined with other social forces, was rapid and substantial, a series of six replication studies reflected the complexity of the concept of deterrence. Lively debate was stimulated because the conclusions of the evaluators of these six studies were quite divergent. While some found special deterrent effects of arrest, albeit weaker, others did not. Still others found that arrest increased recidivism among marginal offenders, those who may have felt they had nothing to lose.In Milwaukee, for example, unemployed suspects were more likely to assault their partners again if arrested (Sherman, Schmidt, Rogan, Smith, Gartin, Cohn, Collins & Bacich, 1992). The evidence for deterring the crime of misdemeanor assaults of women in domestic settings is mixed and complex. The consensus seems to be that there is some special deterrent effect, varying by characteristics of the offender. Unfortunately, differences in deterrability by persons, even when clearly understood, complicate the task of policy development.If arrest deters some assaulters, but escalates the violence of others, police policy for responding to these crimes becomes far more difficult to formulate. Policy changes in the area of police responses to woman battering have been one of the most dramatic within criminal justice in recent decades. The policy directive of most U. S. police departments has shifted from one of arrest avoidance for misdemeanor assault of intimate partners, to a presumptive arrest standard. In other words, rather than having to justify an arrest as exceptional, an officer must defend a non-arrest decision when a woman is the victim of a minor assault.The public opinion for these changes is mixed (Brown, 1990). Battered Woman Syndrome: Women who are victims of violence from husbands and live-in male companions increasingly are being brought within the scope of criminological study. Earlier such events were regarded by the male-dominated realm of law enforcement and the equally male-dominated real of social science as private affairs, best left in the shadows. There was a wild myth that women enjoyed being hit, interpreting it as attention, and therefore a sign of caring. Some victims who are beaten may respond with seeming indifference.Women who are beaten, particularly lower-class women may not see themselves as real victims, but merely as suffering the usual lot of a woman. The problem of wife beating did not command the public attention it now receives because of startling increases in such violence, but rather because of a shift in public sentiment. By capitalizing on the expansionist interests in the social work, mental health, and legal professions, and offering a good subject for the media, special interest groups convinced people that there was a problem demanding attention.Hundreds of shelters for battered women that provided an alternative to remaining with abusive males soon were opening (Walker, 2000). Today the battered woman syndrome sometimes is successfully introduced into criminal trials to excuse a woman who killed her husband after being subjected to intense abuse over a considerable period of time. Many men take exceptio n to such acquittals, insisting that the use of lethal force is a disproportionate response; after all assault is not a capital offense. They also may argue that the women could have departed rather than killed.Many women take strong exception to this male position. They insist that the victims of domestic violence lose their self-respect, their judgment, and that they retaliate out of desperation (Chan, 2001). In the past few years, considerable national attention has been given to the issue of how to handle persons who kill spouses or loves, who abuse them. In some states women convicted of killing their husbands after years of abuse have been granted clemency and released from prison. Jurisdictions have differed in their treatment of the battered women syndrome defense.Some courts have refused to admit evidence of the syndrome. Others have admitted it for limited purposes, such as to show the inability of a woman to assist her attorney in her defense (Walker, 2000). Conclusion: I t has been estimated that over 1. 5 million wives in this country are severely beaten by their husbands annually (Strauss, 1992), and such figures may underestimate the number of actual cases. Women in cohabiting relationships are even more likely than wives to be battered, although the reasons for this are not at all clear.Sympathy for battered women may be difficult to come by in light of widespread tendencies to blame the victim for staying with, going back to, or not walking out on an abusive husband or lover. Years of exploration have addressed the question of why abused women stay with abusers. Proposed explanations, none of them entirely satisfactory, have included reference to the victims economic dependency, the victims tendencies to place blame on themselves, not the batterers and a vicious circle of abuse leading to lowered self-esteem on the part of the victim, which in turn leads to greater abuse.But because there is a strong tendency for domestic violence to recur and in some cases to become progressively more severe over time victims must be strongly encouraged to seek professional and or legal assistance at the very first sign that their spouses or lovers are batterers and this is despite any promises, protests, excuses, apologies or vows never to do it again on the part of the batterers. Reference: Brown, S. E. (1990). ââ¬Å"Police responses to wife beating: Five years laterâ⬠.Journal of Criminal Justice,18, 459-462. Chan, W. (2001). Women, Murder, and Justice. New York: Palgrave. Chesney-Lind, M. (2002). ââ¬Å"Criminalizing victimization: The unintended consequences of pro-arrest polices for girls and womenâ⬠. Criminology & Public Policy, 1, 81- 90. Sherman , L. W. & Burk, R. A. (1984). ââ¬Å" The specific deterrent effects of arrest for domestic assaultâ⬠. American Sociological Review, 49, 261-272. Sherman, L. W. , Schmidt, J. D. , Rogan, D.P. , Smith, D. A. , Gartin, P. R. , Cohn, E. G. , Collins, D. J. & Bacich, A. R. (19 92). ââ¬Å"The variable effects of arrest on criminal careers: The Milwaukee Domestic Violence Experimentâ⬠. Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, 83, 170-200. Strauss, M. A. (1992). ââ¬Å"Explaining family violenceâ⬠. In Marriage and Family in a Changing Society, 4th. Ed. New York: Free Press, 344-356. Walker, L. E. A. (2000). The Battered Women Syndrome, 2nd. Ed. New York: Springer
Thursday, November 7, 2019
15 Reduplicative Doublets
15 Reduplicative Doublets 15 Reduplicative Doublets 15 Reduplicative Doublets By Mark Nichol Reduplicative doublets are a small class of idioms in which a word is repeated after the conjunction and; such repetition is intended to provide an emphatic boost to a statement. Here are fifteen such constructions with definitions and sample sentences. 1. Again and again: repeatedly (ââ¬Å"I practiced the maneuver again and again so that I didnââ¬â¢t have to think about what I was doingâ⬠) 2. By and by (or by-and-by): later, or eventually (ââ¬Å"I think heââ¬â¢ll come around to our way of thinking by and byâ⬠) 3. Done and done: done thoroughly and satisfactorily (ââ¬Å"The team avenged its loss with a decisive victory done and doneâ⬠) 4. Ever and ever: always, or seemingly so (ââ¬Å"I had to wait for ever and ever for my car to get fixedâ⬠) 5. Half and half: in equal parts; also, a food or drink made of two often equal ingredients, or a mixture of cream and milk, or a person of dual nationality or mixed ethnicity (ââ¬Å"She likes half and half in her coffeeâ⬠) 6. Hot-and-hot: multiple courses of food served individually as soon as cooked (ââ¬Å"The catered meal was served hot-and-hotâ⬠) 7. Less and less: increasingly less, progressively decreasing, or decreasingly true or prevalent (ââ¬Å"Iââ¬â¢m less and less confident of success as the days passâ⬠) 8. More and more: increasingly more, progressively increasing, or increasingly true or prevalent (ââ¬Å"Itââ¬â¢s getting more and more difficult to find in storesâ⬠) 9. Neck and neck: very close in a contest or race, suggesting two horses whose necks are side by side (ââ¬Å"The candidates are polling neck and neck latelyâ⬠) 10. On and on: continuously (ââ¬Å"The speaker droned on and on beyond her allotted timeâ⬠) 11. Out-and-out: complete or utter (ââ¬Å"Thatââ¬â¢s an out-and-out lie!â⬠) 12. Over and over: repeatedly (ââ¬Å"He said it over and over, to make sure I understoodâ⬠) 13. So-and-so (or so and so): a placeholder name for a person (often initial-capped), a placeholder word for one or more things, or a euphemism for an offensive epithet (ââ¬Å"I talked to So-and-so that guy over thereâ⬠) 14. Such-and-such: a placeholder for a thing or action (ââ¬Å"If you were to go to such-and-such a place, youââ¬â¢d find the buildingâ⬠) 15. Through and through: see out-and-out (ââ¬Å"Heââ¬â¢s a loser through and throughâ⬠) Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Expressions category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:How Many Tenses in English?"Certified" and "Certificated"Sentence Adverbs
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Unbeknownst Unbeknownst Unbeknownst By Maeve Maddox A British reader questions what he sees as a recent use of unbeknownst: Curious about the current (British/Irish English only?) replacement of unknown to him by unbeknown/unbeknownst to him (university students work attests to it in yoof-speak, and BBC documentaries to it in them elder lemons what should beknow better). Is this also creeping into American English? Partial paraphrase of the readerââ¬â¢s comment: The writing of university students offers evidence that ââ¬Å"unbeknownst to himâ⬠is current in youth slang, and the phrase occurs in BBC documentaries written by old-timers who should know better than to use it. Although some speakers feel that unbeknownst ââ¬Å"sounds medieval,â⬠it is a fairly recent coinage, although not as recent as the reader seems to think: it dates from the 19th century. The first OED citation is from a letter written by novelist Mrs. Gaskell: You dont see me, but I often am sitting in the rocking-chair unbeknownst to you. (1848) The phrase ââ¬Å"unbeknown to,â⬠on the other hand, is documented as early as 1636. How the -st became attached to the word is- well- unknown. A Google search indicates that the phrases ââ¬Å"unbeknown to himâ⬠and ââ¬Å"unbeknownst to himâ⬠are in use, but they rank far behind the more conventional ââ¬Å"unknown to himâ⬠: 1. ââ¬Å"unbeknown to himâ⬠About 151,000 resultsà 2. ââ¬Å"unbeknownst to himâ⬠About 391,000 resultsà 3. ââ¬Å"unknown to himâ⬠About 12,800,000 results On the Ngram Viewer, Number One does not even show; Number Two makes a slight showing, and Number Three shows a marked decline in 1900, but remains well ahead of ââ¬Å"unbeknownst to him.â⬠As for the phraseââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"creeping into American English,â⬠it did that eighty-four years after Mrs. Gaskell used it- in Light in August by William Faulkner: ââ¬Å"Interfering with his work unbeknownst to him.â⬠The use of unbeknownst in modern English is probably best described as ââ¬Å"jocularâ⬠or ââ¬Å"colloquial,â⬠although it can be found in professional contexts: Description of a car accident, NBC News Unbeknownst to the first people who tried to help the victim of the crash, an adult male, the water was electrified. Report of an experiment, Chicago Booth, publication of the University of Chicago Booth School of Business Unbeknownst to them, the first part of the experiment served simply to expose them, in the form of a celebrity-trivia quiz, to pictures of high-profile, successful individuals. Article about deception, Wired. Unbeknownst to the subject, the boy is wearing a radio receiver in his ear, and every word he says is transmitted to him by a 37-year-old university professor sitting in a nearby room. Article about stress of modern life, The New Republic Unbeknownst to her at the time, a shooting had occurred the previous day in the same neighborhood.à Feature about racism among children, PBS Frontline Unbeknownst to his parents, he had started a blog, which they only learned about when another parent called to warn them. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Good At, Good In, and Good WithWork of Art TitlesEnglish Grammar 101: Prepositions
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Communication in business assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Communication in business assignment - Essay Example There has been an accepted shift from the stand that marketers show no significant interest in the culture of the countries they have started operations in (Holden, 2004, 563). Organizations have realized that it has become necessary to be knowledgeable about the traditions of the native country. The present scenario calls for the organizations to endorse localization ââ¬â for which they need to understand ethics at a much minute degree. The coming to age of the world economy has opened up new paradigm in the aspect of business communication ââ¬â as different communities are set to interact with each other with absolutely no prior history of interaction (McPherson and Szul, 2008, 39). Before dwelling further in the topic, let us discuss how the business fraternity in India is gearing up towards the new global economy. India, as part of BRIC (acronym for Brazil, Russia, India and China), symbolizes the highest growth rate markets in the present world. This is due to the fact that the country has access to a highly skilled, yet cost effective, labor pool and a growing consumer class. This consumer class has a rising disposable income and thus India is the place to be for all the aspiring businesses in the world. Moreover the country, after years of Government control, is finally opening up to the world economy. This, along with a trend that will transform the economy from agrarian to service oriented, indicates a good prospect for a food processing company. However, India has its own typical rules and regulations when it comes to business. Further workplace culture is heavily influenced by demographic factors ââ¬â like religion and age. Global corporations have to take cultural implications into consideration when they open shop here (Roberts and Tuleja 2008, 474). One of the first things that one notices in India is the pace at which business negotiations take place. It is quite common for meetings to get delayed, postponed and even
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